Coaching with the Power of Metaphors

Since graduating from New Ventures West Integral Coaching Program over five years ago, I've come to understand and embrace the importance of lifelong education in my journey as a coach. Most recently, I completed level one of the Power of Metaphor coach training and I'm thrilled to share that it has already changed and enriched the way I coach!

Power of Metaphor coaching explores the science behind metaphor and how to support clients to deeper awareness, increase their insights, and create meaningful goals.
Since using these tools, I've learned to listen more deeply to my clients and have witnessed them achieving faster results when they use their own language, descriptions, and metaphors in our work together.

Who knew there was so much embodied cognition and neuroscience behind metaphors?
If you're looking to develop your awareness, curiosity, and capacity to leverage the metaphors that your clients naturally bring into conversations, I highly recommend learning more about the program.

I'm thrilled to add one more essential element to my coaching toolbox. Got questions? Want to learn more? Reach out!


How Listening To Your Body Will Change Your Life


Join me on Saturday, April 1st!